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    DVD được quan tâm

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    Chi tiết sản phẩm

Haedong Kumdo

Giá: 20,000 VND

Mã số: 963

Trở lại trang trước

Mô tả:

DVD hướng dẫn luyện tập môn Haedong Kumdo, bộ môn kiếm đạo của Hàn Quốc, với HLV Jung Yin Kim và Jong Gu Lee.

Haedong Kumdo encompasses practice with both the wooden training sword and the forged steel sword. On the Haedong Kumdo: Korean Sword Art DVD, both types of practice are demonstrated by top Korean Kumdo masters.

Using the wooden sword, the masters demonstrate training exercises, basic skills and combat drills with a partner.

They then progress to more intricate sequences of cuts with the live blade sword, including fascinating demonstrations of cutting prowess in which bamboo is sliced and candles are extinguished with masterful speed.

This program was filmed in Korea at the Haedong Kumdo headquarters and features performances and interviews with the top ranking Haedong Kumdo masters in Korea.

Ngôn ngữ: English

Số lần xem: 2184

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